staff housing
Fundraising Goal $25,000
Many of the indigenous people of Panama work as seasonal coffee pickers, traveling from farm to farm. They will walk hours or days from their villages to the coffee farms. Due to the grueling travel they will not return home until after harvest season.
Our Panamanian Farmers pay their staff livable wages and strive to meet their basic needs for their families.
One of the ways they want to provide for their staff is by providing housing so that families can stay together during harvest season. Which also allows the Caballero family to share the love of Jesus with them!
housing in remote village
$895 per House
Pastor Rafael and his wife Maria planted a church in this remote village. The majority of these houses are no bigger than a 20ft. x 20ft. space and have dirt floors.
The Navichoc family wants to bless this community by remodeling floors, roofing, and walls in these homes so that the people of this village might have better living conditions and help prevent health issues.
pastoral education
$588 per pastor
The Navichoc family wants to help the pastors in their surrounding areas be able to gain Biblical education to be better equipped to lead and teach their congregation.
Many of these pastors may not even know how to read and write. However, having the proper understanding of the Word of God and the Gospel of Christ they can lead the people of their communities.
casa de rubén
7 Therapy Area Wall Fans $100 each
6 Bedroom Ceiling Fans at $120 each
10 Floor Fans $75 each
4 Twin Beds $180 each
13 Mattress Pads $20 each
Once confined to a bed because of physical disabilities, Rubén has now surpassed his families expectations in mobility. This is possible thanks to God working through the Hines to establish a medical facility for those like Ruben.
The Ruben house was established to help those with disabilities and eliminate the financial burden of medical expenses for families. There are continual needs for it as the facility expands and continues operating!
missionaries serving unreached people groups
West Asia
South Asia
Panamanians are answering the call to bring the Good News of Jesus to the ends of the earth, and to places where people have never heard it. Help us fully fund
those missionaries that are serving in the 10-40 Window.
Because of culture and ethnicity, they have advantages to reach people across the globe in ways that those from the United States can not.